Office Coordinates:
GPS: 50° 6' 45.378'' N 50° 6' 45.378'' N
Dec: 50.112605, 8.652898
Visiting Address:
GxLloyd Germany
25th floor, Messeturm Frankfurt
Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 49
60308 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Office hours are: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Frankfurt time is GMT + 1 (in summer + 2).
Parking is best directly under the Messeturm, in the Parkhaus Messeturm APCOA and comes to € 3,70 per hour.
Taxis have a stand right in front of the building.
Public Transport:
U-Bahn, Line U4
Station Festhalle/Messe.
Tram, Lines 16 und 17
Station Festhalle/Messe.